Product Details
Product Description
If you're looking for a sweet spot between the high of delta 9 THC and the steady benefits of CBD, try our Delta 8 THC Gummy Cubes.
Delta 8 tetrahydrocannabinol, like CBD, is found naturally in the hemp plant, and CBD can be converted into delta 8. It is considered a gentler, more subtle cannabinoid than delta 9. Many people use delta 8 for focus, clarity, and anxiety. The side effects of delta 8 are similar to those of delta 9, such as dry mouth and eyes, drowsiness or lethargy, and those typical munchies.
With a tasty fruit flavor and a serving of 25 mg delta 8 THC in each piece, these gummies are a delicious way to introduce the mellow vibes of delta 8 THC into your day.
Warning: May Cause Drowsiness. Do not operate a vehicle or heavy machinery while using this product. This product is not intended for use by anyone under 21 years of age or those who are pregnant or breastfeeding. Keep out of reach of children. Do not use this product if subjected to drug testing.
Notice: Delta 8 THC products may be illegal or restricted in your area. Check your state guidelines.
Refresh and Relax the Watermelon Way
There is nothing quite like a watermelon for giving that feeling of cool, natural refreshment along with a sense of wellbeing. People have written songs about it, inspired perhaps by spending long, lazy days on a Caribbean beach and watching the watermelon man wandering up and down, making a living by selling cooling slices.
That is why Delta 8 watermelon gummies are the perfect combination of flavor and effect, the mouthwatering fruitiness paving the way for the cool influence of a natural high that doesn’t send you too far up, but far enough to escape the stresses and strains of modern life. With Delta 8 gummies watermelon sets the scene and the carefully prepared THC completes the experience.
The refreshing taste of Delta 8 watermelon gummies provides a delightful escape, blending fruity goodness with the calming effects of THC.
HempLucid excels in merging science and nature to create high-quality, natural cannabinoid solutions, highlighted by their refreshing Delta 8 watermelon gummies.
How Cannabis Became Respectable
Cannabis existed for millennia as just another weed, although that disparaging word only really denotes a plant that is in the wrong situation, making the place look untidy or having an adverse effect on a crop through using precious nutrients and water. However, certain ancient civilizations regarded cannabis – also known as hemp or marijuana – as having something special about it.
Eventually, it found a home in civilized life in the mid-20th century when inhibitions were being relaxed after world wars and humankind was at its most antagonistic and destructive. The feeling of peace and love that cannabis and its constituent compounds promote was derided by some, particularly in the hippie era of the late 1960s, which is often characterized as being based in the Haight/Ashbury district of San Francisco.
The hippie movement was interested in “consciousness expansion”, breaking free from conventional attitudes and living a life free from the traditional routes of school-college-lifetime career (unless that career was as a musician or artist of some kind).
The theory may have been admirable in many ways, but the reality of financial demands and expectations spoiled the fun and the smoking of cannabis, still illegal at the time in the US and most other countries, was relegated to a secretive pastime that depended on unregulated and sometimes unscrupulous suppliers. While even the alcoholic drinks trade was subject to rules and regulations but still flourished in the face of scientific evidence of its harmful effects, cannabis languished in the shadows, untrusted and even feared by the authorities.
Cannabis never went away, though, and a more liberal society eventually conceded there might be more to it than met the eye.
Now that medical science has had a good look at it and its effects, a more enlightened attitude is enabling the world at large to enjoy the benefits, and Delta 8 THC gummies may just represent the ultimate acceptance of something that is helping us in so many ways.
What was needed was scientific research to back up the anecdotal evidence that cannabinoids could be not just harmless but useful. That is the way of the world – and certainly the way of an advanced society such as exists in the US. Health and safety concerns must be addressed and quantified by the scientists and the medical community and then conveyed to the public so that they are clearly understood.
With a drug, whether or not it is entirely natural, there are hurdles to be jumped before understanding and acceptance can be achieved: hurdles of ignorance, hurdles of misconception, and hurdles of fear. Understanding that there are these compounds and that we know what they do and how they affect us, is reassuring to the undecided and somewhat persuasive to the skeptical, although word of mouth from trusted friends and personal experience are still needed in many cases.
Those of us familiar with the characteristics of THC know there is nothing to worry about if it is taken responsibly, and it is far less likely to result in antisocial behavior such as aggression than, for instance, alcohol, but those with no experience know only that it used to be illegal and may assume that must have been for a reason. As the years go by and the recreational use of THC becomes more widespread, things will change, but for now, we are still at a pioneering stage, and it is helpful if users create a good impression
Cannabinoids: Some Basic Facts
With more than 100 compounds making up the cannabis plant, it would be a long and unnecessary process to go through each one. Let’s look at the two most commonly used compounds: CBD and THC. CBD (cannabidiol) is now widely used to alleviate stress and help with relaxation, resulting in a simple feeling of wellbeing, a sensation that an individual is functioning properly. The expression “I’m not feeling myself today” conveys that some indefinable quality is amiss, and if CBD can restore that while having no mind-altering effects, most would agree that can only be a good thing. And that is the point with CBD: it has no psychotropic properties, so it doesn’t make the user feel high and does not affect their ability to carry out normal tasks such as driving and operating machinery.
THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), on the other hand, does have psychotropic potential if used in high enough doses. But that should not distract us from the fact that it is also used with great success by cancer patients for its relief of pain and anxiety, as well as its tendency to make people want to eat. This last ability is important because chemotherapy while being the primary cancer treatment in most cases, causes a wide range of side effects, one of which is lack of hunger. That in turn leads to a lack of nutrition, which causes a loss of strength and energy. It can also have a knock-on effect on bowel function, and when the medical people are urging a chemo patient to eat plenty of green leafy vegetables to combat constipation, not feeling like eating at all can be a big problem.
If chewing Delta 8 watermelon THC gummies can help with this, surely it makes sense to use it.
What is Delta 8 THC and how Does it Differ from Delta 9?
Delta 9 THC is a constituent of the cannabis plant and has a strong psychotropic effect. Delta 8, on the other hand, can be synthesized from good old sensible CBD and is only about half as potent in the mind-altering department as Delta 9. That makes it a good choice for those who want the medicinal effects of THC without too much of the “recreational” side of it. In other words, never mind the laughter, let’s just have the relief.
The Differences Between Cannabis, Hemp and Marijuana
All three of these words refer to very similar plants and the technical differences become even more complex and confusing as one delves into it. Suffice it to say that hemp is more often associated with the physical properties of the plant, while its chemical or biological nature is focused on less.
Cannabis gives its name to the compounds the plant contains, i.e. cannabinoids and some of the specific ones such as cannabidiol (CBD) and cannabinol (CBN). In this way, it is more widely regarded as a plant that can be used for medical and recreational purposes.
The CBD plant is renowned for its versatile therapeutic properties and has been used for centuries to treat various ailments.
Marijuana, on the other hand, has no claim to being a practical plant in terms of using its fiber and oil for physical purposes. Marijuana is all about THC content and its ability to get the user “high” – the word that has largely replaced “stoned”, perhaps because it sounds more positive.
Historic uses of Cannabis/Hemp
According to historians, hemp was one of the first plants ever cultivated, some 3,000 years ago and perhaps even earlier. In addition to its chemical and medicinal properties, it has been used for its physical nature too, the fibers being suitable for making rope, textiles, etc, and therefore clothes and even shoes.
Even today hemp fiber is used to a certain extent in combination with other fibers – including manmade ones – to make clothing and even insulation. All these uses may seem at odds with what most people regard simply as a drug, albeit one that has now gained respectability. Hemp oil made from the seeds of the plant can be used in moisturizers and in oil-based paints. It has a small role to play in cooking and baking, although not in its capacity as a mood-altering substance. But it is as a drug that hemp is mainly known.
Why Gummies?
The word gummies may not be the most serious sounding in the world, but it is the accepted term for a pleasant dissolving chew that delivers flavor and in this case effect efficiently and conveniently. Keep a pack in your pocket and you can have a shot of THC easily and discreetly, without looking as if you’re up to something you shouldn’t. It’s just like popping a mint in your mouth, but more delicious and with more wide-ranging effects than merely fresh breath – as important as that might be at times.
Human beings are becoming more and more independent, from having our own transport to our personal communications devices. Taking a little oral pleasure with edible CBD on the go is a logical extension of that.
Use Our Products Responsibly
While THC is unapologetically a mind-altering substance, it is prepared with scientific precision to allow users to take only as much as they want or need. As with any drug that may impair our ability to perform important tasks, care should be taken not to use too much THC for the occasion or situation.
Those new to THC should start off carefully, perhaps experimenting at home with half of a gummy before increasing to a full one if that seems like a good idea. Similarly, please respect yourself and the power of the active ingredient, by not overdoing the dosage with too-frequent topping up.
While cannabis derivatives may be legal, they may also trigger a reaction in certain drug-testing methods. To avoid bad feeling and embarrassment, if you are likely to be taking a drug test for whatever reason, it would be advisable to leave your gummy fun for after the event. Regular users will know that THC is not a performance-enhancing drug in the normal sense of the term, but testing systems can be inflexible and the people who carry them out uncompromising, so a little judicious abstaining for a while can be a good idea.
Yes, they are only watermelon Delta 8 gummies, but they have the effect you bought them for, so you can’t have it both ways.
In addition to Delta 8 watermelon gummies, full spectrum CBD gummies are highly favored for their synergistic blend of cannabinoids, delivering a holistic wellness experience.
Another popular product is mushroom THC gummies, which combine the therapeutic benefits of mushrooms and THC, offering a unique approach to stress relief and relaxation.
Order with Confidence and have Delta 8 THC gummies delivered to your door
With the blessing of the US authorities based on research and evidence and the consequent federal legalization of cannabis, we are delighted to be able to offer customers a transparent, completely above-board supply of cannabis-derived substances, prepared with the utmost care and hygiene and clearly marked so that customers can stipulate exactly what they want, based on their needs and wishes, and know they are getting that and only that.
We understand that the medicinal user may have no interest in the fun side of our range, but for those who fully embrace the possibilities, Delta 8 watermelon gummies are here, and we are proud to be able to offer them.
Our contact page contains details of customer service contact hours and phone number, along with email for those who prefer that. There is also the option of filling in an online inquiry form. Whichever way you choose to do it, if you have a question, however basic or advanced, please contact us and we will do our utmost to ensure you receive the product that best suits your requirements. We realize it is a complex area and as a serious, responsible company, highly regarded in the industry, and with countless satisfied customers, it is our duty and our pleasure to help you.
Refreshment and relaxation are the order of the day, and we are here to help you in that direction. Read Less
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