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Want to share the benefits of full-spectrum CBD with your four-legged friends? Pamper your pets with this top-tier tincture.
Our CBD pet tincture might not be for human consumption, but we put the same care and attention to detail into these products because we know your pets deserve the best. Our natural pet CBD oil is flavored specifically for pets, easy to mix into food or treats, and like all of our products, grown and manufactured in the USA.
We know your pets are beloved members of the family, and this tincture makes a great addition to their nutrition regimen. Not only do pets love it — their humans say it makes trips to the vet, visits to the groomer, and long rides in the car much easier! Read More
Why it is Safe and Effective: Full Spectrum CBD Oil for Dogs
Of all the innovative treatments for dog ailments and potions for maintaining dog health and wellbeing, there is one that stands head and shoulders above the rest: full spectrum CBD pet tincture. But what makes it so outstanding in a highly competitive market where medical research operates both in the laboratory and out? Mainly the fact that CBD is effective in so many ways, for so many conditions. Add to that the fact that organic CBD for dogs is, yes, organic, and that means it comes from nature and has not been spiked with manmade chemicals.
Safety and effectiveness are clearly paramount in this area, where we are concerned with the welfare of creatures who play an important role in our lives but who cannot make health and lifestyle choices of their own. The most gratifying part for a manufacturer and supplier of medications and supplements for pets is to be able to do good by providing owners with high-quality, effective remedies for their cherished animals. HempLucid has developed a reputation for high-quality full spectrum CBD oil for dogs, reflecting the growing acceptance of hemp-derived products in enhancing pet health.
Full spectrum CBD oil for dogs is a gloriously natural way of attending to a dog’s health. If it sounds complicated, it’s really not; that’s just a few technical terms that have to be stipulated so that everyone knows exactly what we’re talking about here. The government departments that keep an eye on this sort of thing are not interested in brand names: they are concerned with ingredients, processes, and production methods. They deal in words like purity, hygiene, and safety. Only when they are satisfied that the ideas are genuine, the methods are sound, and the dogs are safe does the process march on to snappy names and packaging.
With this in mind, and in the interest of clarifying the subject rather than adding to its complexity, let’s look at some of those technical terms.
Jargon Buster: What is Full Spectrum Hemp Extract CBD Oil for Dogs?
HEMP. First things first: this all starts with the hemp plant, which is part of the cannabis family. A lot has been learned about this controversial plant in recent years – and it’s all good.
The hemp plant has a long and noble history in various parts of the world, including North America. When it was first discovered, perhaps a couple of thousand years ago, it was the plant’s physical properties that were seen as useful. Ancient civilizations appreciated the strength and workability of the fibers, which they could make into string and rope. They may have found through handling it that it had certain medicinal properties too, which got into the body through the skin and had a calming effect.
When lengths of rope were thrown into a fire, it would have burned with a pungent smell, and if they inhaled it, they would again have felt some medicinal effects. Remember, though, that we’re talking about hemp here, not marijuana. Although that is part of the same family, it is a different proposition in terms of chemical makeup. What makes marijuana attractive to some as a recreational drug is largely the THC content (tetrahydrocannabinol), which is the compound that gets people high.
Hemp itself has a low THC content. Having said that, there is more to THC than psychotropic (mind-altering) effects. This stuff also has pain-reducing and anti-inflammatory capabilities in addition to a tendency to make people relax, and these effects can be felt with a relatively small exposure, without the hippie thoughts and flights of fancy, which will have yet to kick in.
In recent years hemp fiber has continued to be used to make fabrics, while oil extracts have been used in skin creams, with the primitives’ beliefs confirmed by modern cosmetic science.
Success and acceptance have been a long time coming for the humble cannabis plant, but today’s enlightened attitudes have seen it increasingly accepted by people who would have been suspicious in the past.
CBD. The hemp/cannabis plant contains more than 100 compounds and one of the most important is CBD (cannabidiol). This has a soothing effect, a calming influence, and promotes an all-round feeling of wellness. Although it has been seen to help the nervous and cardiovascular systems, CBD has no mind-altering properties at all; it is sober and serious, yet contributes to a happy state because if we feel well and calm we’re likely to feel happy.
FULL SPECTRUM. Those 100+ compounds that make up the effects of the plant: we know about them because scientists have broken it down into its constituent parts. That can be a rigorous and robust process, which is fine for research purposes, but in this day and age when organic means something important, the processes used for isolating a compound, separating it from everything else, mean that the one you’re left with cannot be described as organic. Separating some but not all of the other compounds results in what is called broad spectrum CBD oil, but to qualify as organic it must suffer minimal interference, and that’s called full spectrum CBD oil.
With minimal interference and therefore the organic qualification, it inevitably means there are traces of other compounds along with the CBD, including a small amount of THC. However, as we have already seen, the medicinal qualities of THC can come through at very low levels, so we can get all the calming, anti-inflammatory effect, pain relief, and so on without any of the wacky influence that is so unscientific.
TERPENES AND THE ENTOURAGE EFFECT. There are other components in cannabis called terpenes, which can work with cannabinoids to add medicinal effects. This is called the Entourage Effect, so the added bonus of a full spectrum preparation is that so many different things with their impenetrable scientific names can add benefits to the overall picture.
TINCTURE. Oil is a natural medium for CBD and all the cannabinoids, but it is not the easiest substance for the body to assimilate. If the oil can be broken down into its molecules – without causing damage to its constituent parts and effectiveness – it can be more easily absorbed into the blood and from there into the brain, where it can influence the body’s performance. This is what we call a tincture.
Is This Really as Good for Dogs as for Humans?
As dog owners, we are responsible for the welfare of our pets, and as discussed above, the government keeps a close eye on this kind of thing, so extensive testing has been done and the use of CBD for pets is completely legal in the US when it is done with approved products made by licensed manufacturers where conditions can be regulated. In other words, you can’t give your dog a sprinkling of marijuana with their food, but full spectrum CBD oil for dogs is perfectly fine.
It would be wrong to assume that anything that works for humankind will work in exactly the same way in other animals. That is why all the research has been needed to bring us to the current state of understanding.
We as owners have a continuing duty to monitor our pet’s reaction to any new treatment, whether cannabis-derived or not. For that reason, it is wise to read the label very carefully and start off with the minimum dose, observing the results and increasing the amount given only if it is seen to be working and having no negative impact.
To get more specific, here are some of the health-related issues that can be treated: full spectrum CBD oil for dogs with arthritis is a wonderful boon for a beloved pet who is getting a bit creaky around the joints, maybe even before their owner is. It’s a shame to see a dog having to rein in its physical activity because it just hurts too much. We tend to look at animals as smooth, fit, soft machines, but they are flesh and bone just like us, and cartilage and muscle all those body components that can wear out over time. If you can help your dog with this, who wouldn’t?
Full spectrum CBD oil for dogs’ allergies. These can be a bit of a mystery, and while elimination diets can eventually track down the cause of an allergy, it can be difficult to get rid of once and for all. We have many happy customers who have used our CBD oil drops for this specific purpose – with excellent results.
Full spectrum CBD oil for small dogs. Being small is not a medical condition, of course, but it can affect how much of a medication a dog can safely be given. Just as in humans, low body mass can mean a lower tolerance to alcohol, for instance, so the smaller amounts of muscle, bone, and blood can make it advisable for a small dog to be given small doses. They don’t need as much, anyway, so it makes sense. We have taken that into account with our various sizes of CBD oil droppers, and our trained staff are always happy to discuss your needs.
A similar rule applies to the age of dogs. Just as in human life, some pediatricians specialize in treating babies and children, whose bodies and brains are not fully developed and may not be able to cope with things that are beneficial to adults, so young dogs need to be looked after carefully in this respect. Puppy food is different from adult dog food, after all.
More general effects of CBD oil include helping with hypersensitivity and dermatitis, which can be the bane of a dog’s life, making them feel just plain uncomfortable all the time, even when trying to sleep.
The benign influence of CBD on mental disorders such as anxiety is being successfully treated by CBD in humans, and while tests continue, this is an area where the benefits are quickly apparent in pets too. Separation anxiety is perhaps a fancy term for the tendency of a dog to whine when its owner goes out without them, but it is a genuine concern in many cases, and if CBD can help with this, everyone’s a winner.
How Do Animal Medical Professionals Feel About Full Spectrum CBD Pet Tincture?
How does your own doctor feel about CBD? Vets have the same way of thinking as our own doctors: they want what is best for their patients. They will also have their preferences and beliefs, so yours may be enthusiastic about CBD for dogs or they may not. If this is a route you feel strongly inclined to pursue, do be careful how you put it to your vet. Broach the subject and gauge from their reaction how the conversation is likely to go. If you find yourself talking to a kindred spirit, that’s great. If they seem anti-CBD for some reason, you may want to bring them along gently and see what their reservations are. One thing is for sure: you are both on the same side, so you may be able to do a bit of advocacy for the CBD approach and when they see how passionate you are about it, they may get on board.
Another thing to consider is the attitude of the state you live in. Some are more liberal than others, and while CBD is federally legal, in some areas there may be either a whole-hearted embracing of the idea or a grudging acceptance. It is wise to play it by ear with your vet both on a personal level and as regards how the state sees it.
In some cases, a vet may have positive feelings about CBD but may not be permitted to encourage its use or recommend it. In this case, you may find yourself having a promising conversation that stops short of what you were hoping for. As the years go by, attitudes may change considerably and what is considered outlandish or radical now could find its way into mainstream prescribing. Some people just need a lot of convincing by learned studies before anecdotal evidence can hold any sway with them.
Having said all that, it is good to go to the veterinarian’s office with optimism and positivity. The regime you are proposing to adopt is perfectly legal and you don’t need anyone’s permission. If you have done your research and are convinced – as we are – that our CBD drops can be beneficial to your pet, by all means, have the courage of your convictions and plow your own furrow.
Open Wide: How to Administer Full Spectrum CBD For Dogs
Giving medication to a dog can be tricky, but much depends on the confidence of the owner. Dogs are more intelligent than some people give them credit for, and if you have a good relationship with yours – which is usually the case – they will know that when you’re trying to give them some medication, you’re not trying to harm them. The trouble may be that they have had some bitter, unpleasant chemicals in the past and their inability to discuss the matter may result in a strict policy of non-cooperation. Not unlike a child, in fact, and no matter what blarney you might give a youngster, they may not be able to shake the feeling that they’re being forced to take something they don’t want.
To help with this we have added a delicious chicken flavor to our CBD oil, and as oil itself is not an unpleasant sensation for a dog to have in its mouth, a calm, bold approach should be all you need. Take care, though, that the drops are not wasted. Try to place them under the dog’s tongue at the side of the mouth, where they can be rapidly absorbed into the mucous membrane and not spat out. For the same reason, it is better not to resort to putting the drops on food, because it is to easy for the dog to leave that part alone and eat the rest.
You know this sort of thing can be a battle of wills but essentially a good-natured one, so be kind but firm and get the job done. Dogs may eventually come to associate this drop-in-the-mouth business with an improvement in their condition. After all, they make the connection between eating and having their hunger assuaged, so why not aim for a little education in the medicine department?
Contact Us for Advice
Pet healthcare is a complex area, and we realize there is a lot for owners to take in before they can make a considered decision for their dog. A pet CBD tincture designed with full spectrum CBD oil can offer comprehensive support for various health issues in dogs, ensuring they receive a holistic approach to their wellness. If you have any questions about our products, whether it be suitability for their age or size, variations in dosage, or any other subject, please contact us and we will do our level best to put your mind at rest that you are doing the right thing and ordering the right product. You can call us during office hours MDT, send us an email, or fill in the online form and we’ll get back to you.
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