Collection: Water Soluble CBD

Water Soluble CBD — our top-selling, flagship product — is fast-acting & versatile. These CBD formulas add flavor, relaxation & healing to your water or other beverages. Read More

Benefits of Water-Soluble CBD

Cannabis is a plant that is enjoying a renaissance with a different image. While it has been used in some cultures for many centuries for recreational purposes and even smoked in a “peace pipe” by those bringing a ceremonial end to discord between communities, it was adopted as the drug of choice during the hippie era of the 1960s and 1970s, its calming and relaxing “peace and love” nature being in stark contrast to the sometimes antisocial effects of alcohol.

While advocates of cannabis use promoted it as harmless, the very fact that, regardless of the effect on the brain, the most common way of taking it was smoking, and smoking can damage the lungs, did the plant no favors, and the widespread acceptance such groups hoped for did not materialize. It was not until science became seriously involved that the benefits of CBD were understood, and attitudes changed toward the constituent compounds.

Being illegal at the time throughout the US, though, the connection with the counterculture gave cannabis an unfortunate reputation. Although research into the composition of the plant was undertaken as early as the 1940s, it was only several decades later that the alternative medical community began to look at how its effects could be used for medicinal purposes. That meant finding out which compounds were responsible for which effects so that they could be isolated and applied individually. If the giggling and tendency for the mind to wander down weird and wonderful paths could be separated from the serious, more mainstream benefits of calm and relaxation, perhaps it could be useful in alleviating the stresses and strains of modern life.

Now that cannabis products have been legalized in some states, what was once a drug regarded by some as a menace is now seen as a valuable development in the treatment of stress, with CBD oil and CBD water-soluble products an increasingly common sight on the shelves in pharmacies and health food shops, while research continues into its beneficial effects on various medical conditions. In addition to stress, CBD is used by many people as an aid to sleep or simply for their overall wellbeing and a sense that they are okay and everything is running smoothly, which is reflected in their good mood.

The fact that CBD is a natural product rather than something conceived in a laboratory, chimes well with modern society’s general attitude and belief that nature holds the key to the treatment of many 21st-century ills, as the rise of many alternative therapies attests. The important role played by researchers now is to separate fact from fantasy, and the isolation of CBD from the other compounds in the plant allows it to be taken seriously.

What the scientists found was that CBD (cannabidiol) and the lesser-known CBN (cannabinol) could indeed be used in a medicinal way. The next step was to find ways of administering it that did not involve damaging the lungs by smoking it and was more measurable than simply adding some of the leaves to soup or crumbling the resin into cakes and cookies. 

The solution was CBD oil, which could be carefully formulated for strength, monitored for purity, and taken orally. Another way of taking it is in the increasingly popular form of gummies, chewy pieces of candy with sweet flavorings that make CBD seem less of an imposition and more a pleasurable practice somewhat akin to taking multivitamins. Mushroom THC gummies combine the therapeutic effects of mushrooms and THC, offering a unique approach to wellness.

Then came the move towards breaking down the oil to make water-soluble CBD and this was the breakthrough that made CBD more acceptable to the majority accustomed to pills and powders.

The process of turning an oil, which repels water, into water-soluble CBD involved scientific processes including subjecting it to high pressure to break up the oil, creating tiny droplets to form what is not quite a water-grade liquid but very close to it: what is called an emulsion. These tiny droplets are easily absorbed by the body, so the CBD can access the important areas and do its work.

CBD is one of many compounds found in cannabis and is believed to have certain health benefits. It is not the psychotropic compound that gives cannabis its ability to make someone feel “high” or “stoned” – that is THC. The word isolate is used to emphasize that CBD has been isolated from the other constituents of cannabis (or hemp or marijuana, to use other words that mean much the same thing). People who want the medicinal effects of CBD but not the mind-altering effects can be assured by the word isolate that what they are taking is not contaminated with THC and that they will continue to function normally. This is true, whether the product is labeled water soluble CBD, water soluble full spectrum CBD, water-based CBD tincture, water soluble CBD liquid, CBD water, and so on. There is also the CBD tincture, a tincture being a substance dissolved in alcohol.

A full spectrum CBD tincture provides the combined benefits of various cannabinoids, enhancing the overall therapeutic effect.

At HempLucid, we use full spectrum extracts with our products, meaning all but a few contain some THC D9. We do have some isolate product tinctures, one water soluble and one MCT oil.

However, it is important to use only professionally prepared products from a reputable source. Buying from an amateur, unregulated source brings with it the possibility that it does contain some THC, plus potentially other compounds.

HempLucid offers a range of products that highlight the therapeutic potential of CBD in various convenient forms.

Is Water Soluble CBD Better?

The effects of water soluble CBD and CBD oil are the same. The difference is largely a matter of personal preference. The term “water soluble” means it can be dissolved in water, and these products can come in either powder or crystal form. This makes it easy to add CBD water to tea, coffee, etc, whereas CBD oil would float on the surface and stick to the cup or glass.

CBD is often sold in a dropper bottle, with the dropper used to deposit droplets under the tongue. With the oil, some people find this uncomfortable or unappealing, and although there is usually some sort of flavoring added to the oil, it retains a certain natural taint that is not to everyone’s taste. Water based CBD oil, on the other hand, is flavorless and odorless and when dissolved in a drink can be undetectable to the taste buds, meaning that those using it can automatically add it as one might sugar, milk or lemon juice, and enjoy the drink, rather than seeing it as “taking their medicine”.

The approval or otherwise of the medical world is largely down to the individual, so getting a recommendation – or their agreement to your idea of using CBD - from your doctor will depend on their viewpoint, regardless of where in the country they come from or practice. Some will be skeptical of the whole subject, while others may be of the opinion that if something does no harm and the patient believes it is helping them, that is a positive thing.

At the other end of the scale will be the alternative practitioner who would rather the world was not treated by the pharmaceutical giants but by natural remedies, albeit with a suitably professional preparation.

CBD Water: Where to Buy it

Water soluble CBD is now widely available in the US in pharmacies, online, and even at general stores. It is important, though, to buy it from a reputable source to ensure quality and integrity. To source it from amateur or underground suppliers is like buying homemade wine from the people down the street: you don’t know how it has been made and what impurities it may contain.

Does Water Soluble CBD Need to be Refrigerated?

Water soluble CBD should be stored in a cool place away from direct sunlight, such as a bathroom cabinet. Heat and sun may have a damaging effect, so for a liquid, a refrigerator is a good choice, while powders and crystals will be fine in the bathroom cabinet. In both cases, of course, care should be taken not to allow it to fall into the hands of children.

How Much Water Soluble CBD to Take

With a professionally prepared product, there will be guidelines for dosage and the advice can be to take a certain amount and increase or decrease it according to how it affects you. That will depend on factors such as the speed of your metabolism and your BMI (body mass index – how tall and heavy you are, and what proportion of fat and muscle). It is very much a question of trial and error, but not in a dramatic way. A sensible course of action is to take the minimum required to produce the desired effect, but always follow the guidance on the packaging. CBD does not produce a big spontaneous effect. It should be allowed to establish a presence in the body over time, with the overall effect more subtle than taking, for instance, a painkiller or sedative.

What are the Different Types of Water Soluble CBD?

Water soluble CBD can come in small dropper bottles which enable the user to drop carefully regulated amounts into drinks or directly into the mouth. With a variety of flavors to choose from, CBD water is pleasant on its own or added to drinks. There are many recipes that can include CBD water, from vegetable-based green concoctions that positively exude health and fitness to fruity beverages in which the CBD complements the vitamins and minerals contained in blueberries, citrus juice, or whatever naturally sweet nectar is your favorite.

CBD water can be added to soups or other dishes, contributing their health benefits to the other attributes of the vegetables, pulses, etc.

Those who carry a bottle of water with them can add a few drops and in that way keep topped up all day if they wish – within the guidelines of the product.

CBD powder and crystals can be used in the same way.

The quickest way to absorb any chemical into the body is to put it under your tongue, as the thinness of the membrane there allows the substance to get into your blood more quickly. Eating or drinking something containing CBD makes the absorption process a little slower, but if you are taking it regularly, you can maintain a CBD presence in your system purely by having a regular routine. Some people start the day with a CBD smoothie and end it with a dash of water-based CBD in the mouth or under the tongue, but you could do it the other way around; it is up to the individual. You will find your own way of managing your CBD intake.

Does CBD Show Up in Drug Tests?

Although CBD does not contain the compounds, principally THC, which made cannabis an illegal drug – and it still is in many places – it may show up in a drug test, so if you're likely to have to take such a test soon it is advisable to discontinue your CBD for a while. Cannabis is, in fact, anything but performance-enhancing, but in many sporting circles, a drug is a drug, while others will have a list of banned substances. Either way, it is unwise to expect a testing authority to look favorably at it. As CBD use becomes more widespread and the public perception of it changes, it may soon become uncontentious. Until that time, it would be prudent to make inquiries.

What is the Difference Between Full Spectrum, Broad Spectrum, and CBD Isolate?

This is all to do with the amount of processing the cannabis extract has undergone. Water soluble full spectrum CBD contains trace amounts of THC - not enough to get you high, but detectable in certain drug tests. Because it is less processed than the other versions, full spectrum is regarded as more “natural” and can be classified as organic.

Broad spectrum CBD has been processed more and since that involves some harsh chemicals, it cannot be described as organic. Broad spectrum also removes the THC, but leaves in the rest of the cannabinoids such as CBC, CBN, and CBD.

CBD isolate is the version that has been most rigorously processed to remove THC, which makes it more acceptable to those who are wary of doing something that could be regarded as “taking drugs”, a term that is used to refer to all recreational or psychotropic substances. The fact that CBD comes from the cannabis/hemp/marijuana family inevitably unsettles some people and those who use water based CBD for entirely medicinal purposes must make up their own mind what they regard as acceptable and what they do not. Read Less

If you’ve ever been curious about the benefits of CBD, you’ve probably heard of CBD oil, the products that combine this potent plant-based medicine with an oil such as MCT. We’re incredibly proud of our own CBD oil and tinctures, which deliver precise and consistent dosages in a shelf-stable and familiar format. But recognizing that everyone’s a bit different, we also offer a number of alternatives, including a line of full spectrum water soluble CBD products which we humbly believe are the best available anywhere.

Why choose water soluble CBD over CBD oil? While they both deliver the power of CBD, water soluble products may offer some advantages you hadn’t yet considered.

If you’re looking for CBD or CBN in an exceptionally versatile yet highly bioavailable format, you’re in the right place. Here’s the story behind our flagship water soluble products and how they might be the perfect medicine for the job.

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What Is Water Soluble CBD and CBN?

If you’ve visited our cannabis and hemp blog, you probably know that CBD is a cannabinoid, a natural compound which has been shown to impart some truly exciting potential medical benefits. Like its cousins THC and Delta-8 THC, CBD and CBN interface with our bodies through a complex regulatory network called the endocannabinoid system (ECS). Increasingly recognized as a vital bodily system, the ECS helps control such functions as sleep, memory, immune health, and more.

A large and growing body of evidence suggests that CBD can play an important role in supporting the healthy function of physiological processes. From helping us manage stress to accessing deeper, more restorative sleep to tackling minor aches and strains, CBD works with the ECS in a number of impactful ways.

By contrast, CBN is known for its ability to help people get better rest. It also appears to exhibit some pain-fighting properties.

Want to go deeper? We invite you to learn more about the ECS and its function here.


HempLucid’s Flagship CBD: Water Soluble Benefits

As we referenced a moment ago, CBD can be accessed in a large number of formats, including in CBD oil, edibles such as CBD gummies, and CBD capsules. Why choose water soluble CBD?

For starters, the proprietary process used to make our water soluble CBD doesn’t involve dirty emulsifiers. We use only certified organic sunflower lecithin which is completely free of the synthetic ingredients and contaminants that are associated with typical emulsifiers.

Water soluble formats also offer a number of potential advantages over oil-based ones. While oil-based formats are both shelf-stable and easy to dose, oils don’t always mix easily with foods and beverages. By comparison, water soluble CBD can be dissolved into juices, teas, smoothies, or any other liquids. Mixed into salad dressing or soup, its uses are only limited by your imagination.

The versatility and convenience of water soluble CBD are two big reasons it’s HempLucid’s flagship product, and we’ve worked hard to create what we believe is the very best water soluble CBD and CBN available.

How quickly does it take effect? We recommend you take water soluble CBD or CBN sublingually (under the tongue) roughly five to ten minutes before you’d like to feel the effects. Alternatively, you can take advantage of our water soluble products’ versatility by dissolving it into your favorite food or beverage for steadier absorption. In fact, our THC-free water-soluble CBD products can even be vaped for a quicker absorption that may work best for you, either on their own or mixed with other e-liquids.

To sum it up, the main benefits you’ll enjoy with HempLucid’s water soluble CBD and CBN products include:

  • Convenience and portability
  • Easy dosing
  • Quick onset
  • Maximum versatility

At HempLucid, we’re committed to creating the purest, highest quality hemp products on the market. Our medicinal hemp strain is grown to USDA organic standards from clones cultivated and proven over the past decade, and we’re incredibly proud to have maintained USDA Organic Handler’s certification since 2020.

Our water soluble CBD and CBN products can be shipped anywhere in the United States; check our Shipping Policy page for more information.

At HempLucid, we believe what we put into our bodies matters. We founded the company with a commitment to producing the best CBD products on the market today, and our USDA organic CBD products are the best of the best. Our medicinal hemp strain is grown to USDA organic standards from clones cultivated and proven for over the past decade, and we’re proud to have maintained USDA Organic Handler’s certification since 2020.


FAQ: Water Soluble CBD and CBN

How is water soluble CBD oil different from “regular” CBD oil?
Many CBD products are combined with a non-dissolving “carrier oil” such as MCT. By comparison, our water soluble CBD can be dissolved in or combined with any food or beverage, or taken on its own. This makes it extremely versatile while still delivering all the benefits of CBD or CBN.
Does water soluble CBD take effect faster than CBD Oil?
Thanks to our proprietary nano electrolyte blend, which embeds nanoclusters of water into the formulation to maximize absorption rates, our water soluble CBD is faster acting than CBD oil when used sublingually or swallowed. We recommend taking it about five to ten minutes before you’d like to feel its effects.
How much does water soluble CBD cost?
Our full-spectrum water soluble CBD is available in several strengths and formulations. The most affordable option currently starts at $42.95 for 1 fluid ounce containing 600 milligrams of water-soluble CBD.
How often should I take CBD or CBN that’s water soluble?
Consistent use is the best way to determine if this tincture is the right one for you. We recommend using the product daily for thirty days so you can really judge its effectiveness.