Lion’s Mane Gummies and Nerve Regeneration: The Facts
The term functional mushroom gummies is a low-key one, and perhaps that is deliberate because calling them functional mushrooms brings with it a reassuring element of seriousness. On the other hand, we have lion’s mane mushroom gummies, which sound altogether more exciting. And exciting is what they are, in the sense that something that can be so beneficial for the brain is a wonderful thing to come across.
Maybe we should look at that headline-grabbing name first. Lions mane gummies (some people use the apostrophe in lion’s and others don’t) are made with a very distinctive kind of mushroom that grows on hardwood tree trunks, and it has what looks like a kind of hairdo that resembles a lion’s mane. Hence the name. It must be a handy thing to be able to teach someone so that when they go out among the trees to harvest some mushrooms they come back with the right ones. Visiting a trusted CBD hemp store can offer valuable insights on diverse products, including mushroom and CBD gummies, to help you make knowledgeable choices.
Lions Mane Mushroom Gummies and Nerve Growth
NGF is an abbreviation often found in association with Lion’s Mane mushroom gummies. It stands for nerve growth factor, which is all about the growth, maintenance, and repair of nerve cells. The idea is that Lion’s mane stimulates this. Without getting too technical, there is a material called myelin that insulates nerves and stimulates electrical impulses through them, and if lion’s mane is good for this, then the effects can be helpful in a variety of different conditions. It can be useful to think of myelin as the plastic coating on electrical wire, with the core or axon as the wire itself. That feeling when “my nerves are shot” is a simple example of how we feel when our nerves are sub-prime, but more seriously this is something that happens in neurodegenerative autoimmune diseases including multiple sclerosis and Guillain-Barre Syndrome.
Research is still continuing, but the link between lion’s mane and NGF via remyelination gives hope to sufferers of some mystifying diseases and if help can come from this natural source, it can buy some time for the scientists to crack the subject completely and find a definitive cure.
Lion’s Mane Gummies and Mental Clarity
Away from the alarming territory of insidious diseases, those of us fortunate to be relatively well can still need help achieving mental clarity or sharpness. That odd phenomenon known as brain fog can descend, making us a few percentage points below optimum. We haven’t lost it completely, but we’re not going to win that general knowledge quiz the way things stand at the moment, because the old brain is not throwing up the answers as readily as we would like. Lions mane gummies can help with this sort of thing too. Whether your poor performance is a result of stress, fatigue, or overwork, or if you’re just recovering from a minor illness, you could just do with a little help to sharpen up and be your normal quick-witted self.
When we have these occasions when the answer we’re looking for just somehow eludes us, we may call it “having a senior moment”, and what we’re really thinking is “I hope this isn’t an early sign of Alzheimer’s”. Using the potential of lion’s mane to take care of the myelin we have now heard about can be both a reassurance and a kind of insurance against premature decay in the brain department.
Lion’s mane possesses anti-inflammatory properties too, which can contribute to nerve health.
Just as we may take vitamin and mineral supplements to help with all manner of physical matters, so we can use lion’s mane gummies as a pleasant, easy, low-cost way to give ourselves a bit of a boost.
Giving Your Immune System a Helping Hand
The Covid-19 pandemic taught us many things as regards our general health and one of them was that our immune system can need a little help, even from such simple things as diet and supplements. Lions mane gummies can play a part in this too. In a world where we are at the mercy of an ever-increasing range of viruses and “bugs”, every kind of help should be gratefully accepted.
Just as it was an eye-opener when we were told that eating oranges for the vitamin C was good insurance against the common cold, so the benefits of mushrooms are only now being more fully understood. What may at one time have seemed unpromising raw material is now proving a revelation. Functional mushroom gummies were not as popular during Covid as they are now, but the world moves on, and we learn as we go.
Aside from helping your immune system, mushroom gummies offer an enjoyable way to consume the beneficial compounds found in mushrooms, combining taste with wellness.
Is Lion’s Mane Legal?
Liberalization has come on in leaps and bounds in recent years in the fields of alternative and complementary medicine, and lions mane is perfectly legal in the USA. It has no psychotropic effects – doesn’t get you high – and is not considered a drug or harmful substance. That means you can go ahead with lion’s mane nerve regeneration without fear of prosecution. Happily, this is true of many mushrooms today, which is why they are represented in our range of ground-breaking remedies.
HempLucid is distinguished in the industry for its dedication to creating high-quality mushroom and CBD products, such as Lion's Mane mushroom gummies, which support overall well-being and cognitive health, as well as Delta 8 watermelon gummies, which offer a distinctive option for those seeking to explore different cannabinoids, providing a unique taste and effect compared to standard alternatives.
Should you Take Lion’s Mane in the Morning or at Night?
Because there is nothing in lion’s mane gummies that will produce adverse effects and users will remain alert and clear-headed, there is nothing to prevent you from taking them in the morning, if that fits in with your routine. Similarly, they will not keep you awake at night, so if you like to use your supplements at the end of the day so they can work away while you sleep, that is entirely up to you. Some people find the idea of eating a fruity chew just before or just after they brush their teeth to be less than ideal, so they may choose to take them after breakfast or in the afternoon. As with any medication, if you are advised to take it with food, then do that, but if not, just find the time that works best for you. It is important to find a regular slot in your day, though, so it becomes part of your routine, and doesn’t slip your mind. Always follow the instructions on the packaging.